
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Crohn's Life:

As you may remember, I was put on a bunch of new medicine since seeing my new Doctor here in Charleston, and it was clearly not working and actually making me sicker.
Well, with that being said, my Doctor has scheduled another Colonoscopy for me to see what is going on, and to make sure nothing has changed, and nothing new is growing. 

So family and friends... Today is preparation day for my Colonoscopy. I am on my all liquid diet today, and I will start my prep this afternoon (NO FUN, and honestly the worst part of the entire thing in my opinion), but I can handle it... This is my 4th Colonoscopy in less than 4 years and my second in just under six months (I guess you could call me a pro at this shit... literally... pun intended) ;), but it still never makes it any easier. 

I have never responded well to Anesthesia, as one of two things usually happen... One being, not waking up easily (you should normally be awake or coherent within 30 minutes of being in recovery, and be able to leave about an hour after the procedure) but I have been the very first patient in and the very last patient to leave (which can be very scary for all parties involved), and two, waking up in the middle of the procedure and having to be sedated (yes, true story). 

So with that...
My procedure is tomorrow morning, and I am staying positive on all aspects, and I just ask if you could say a quick little prayer for me, that everything looks OK, and that nothing new has developed, and that I do fine with the Anesthesia! :)

Thank you everyone! 


  1. Praying for you Traci! Hope everything goes well, and there's positive news!

  2. Praying that everything goes well and that you're colon is so good it bores the Dr.!

  3. Hope all went ok! Was thinking about you today! A girl on my tennis team in high school had Crohns's and I know it's no fun at all. Hugs!

  4. Hope all went ok! Was thinking about you today! A girl on my tennis team in high school had Crohns's and I know it's no fun at all. Hugs!
