*We survived Hurricane Matthew and our home is safe & sound. Born and raised in Jacksonville and through all the Hurricanes and Tropical Storms I have seen and been through this one was definitely different. Our home was under evacuation so we headed to my parents which was in a much safer area. A ton of debris, a couple of down trees, and no power at our house but over all we weathered just fine and yes still in the middle of renovation stage 1... Thank you for all the love and prayers checking in on us this past week! xoxo*
*Post Hurricane Pool Party...
The day after the Hurricane we helped my parents clean all the crazy debris and as soon as the pool was clean the kids jumped right in! It may be Fall but you know how Florida is! ;) Charli was all giggles as she floated past me in the "lazy river" {how my parents jets are it will push you in a circle in their pool!}
*Puppy or Child...
I seriously question whether I am actually raising a child sometimes... This kid STILL eats the dog food, dog bones, and drinks out of the dogs water dish {on all fours like a dog}... He also enjoys throwing his food on the ground and then eating it on all fours as well... aye aye aye...
So glad you all didn't have any major damage from the hurricane. Your kids are seriously so precious. I know I say that like every week. But I mean it!