
Monday, March 19, 2018

Catching Moments: {10/52}:

*Crew's hair seriously grows SO fast. We have to get his hair cut just about every 4-6 weeks {his hair is seriously amazing!}. He normally just goes with Daddy to a random place that has availability and never fails... ALWAYS screams, cries, acts like his head is being chopped off {like dude, this is your 47th hair cut in the past 2 years}. Well he went with mommy to the salon and since he knows everyone there {they gave him his First Haircut and mine as well when I was a baby. They are basically family to us!} He didn't peep. And of course Ms. Angie promised all the suckers afterwards! 

{and ok, since I had to pull that "first haircut" blog post up... and just about died looking at my baby boy and his long lost wings... It had to be posted... Let's just call it a "Monday Mommy Moment".
I die}

*And then there is this big little girl whose teeth are literally just falling from her face. I swear. Tooth number 4 came out over a week ago. 

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