
Friday, September 1, 2017

Charli's School Days: Charli Takes On Kindergarten:

Happy Friday Friends & Hello Holiday Weekend!

We are finishing up our third week of Kindergarten and I felt like now was as good of time as any to actually talk about how the first day went & how our Kindergartner has been doing since! 

We knew we were not going to have any issues with Charli heading off to school, she is our independent little girl, and we were exactly right. Our little five year old has officially gotten this whole Kindergarten thing handled! By the second day of school she didn't even want me parking and walking her in again, "ummmm so mom, could you maybe just drive up to one of those big kid patrol people and maybe they just walk me in? ok." {seriously, am I already not a cool mom}. Not to mention that by the end of the first week she didn't even want the patrols walking her in because, "mommy, I totally remember how to get to my class now and I can do it all by myself" {insert huge GASP of air...}. Needless to say she did it, she made it to class all by herself {because clearly I had to hurry and go park, get Crew out of his carseat, and walk in to the school & total "creeper mom" to confirm she did actually make it!}. She has truly grown up over night and we couldn't be more proud of her! 

The First Day of School was definitely bittersweet. I remember getting emotional the night before just thinking about how our days together at home were officially over. How did those years go by so fast. Yes, there were plenty of days she would drive me crazy {fighting with her brother, whining, and just bouncing off the walls} & I would wish she would start school already. Well, that time had finally come, faster than I could ever imagine, and I cried. Thinking back on all of our moments together wishing that "maybe we should have gone to the zoo that day" or "I really wish I had not been so sick for so long and we could have gone on one more trip, one more play date, just one more anything...". Our days together were always so special though and they are days I will hold close to my heart forever. Even though it was super emotional we were also very excited for her to because Charli was so excited! She truly loves learning & she was more than ready.

Our morning routine these days is much different and it has truly been awesome. I actually love the business of our schedule right now {I always dreamed about the day I would be the mom dropping her kids off in the car line, wearing workout clothes & a baseball cap, drinking my coffee... anyone else? No, just me? haha}. I wake up an hour before the kids so I can sit and enjoy a cup of coffee. I need this time for many reasons; I am not a morning person, so this allows me to wake up gradually; My arthritis in my arms is usually horrible first thing in the morning and takes about 3 hours for my whole arm to be completely mobile again, so this allows me to stretch & massage my elbow; And I now talk to my mom during this time as she is up and headed to the gym {I used to talk to her after the gym and on her way to work... because I need my mommy time too ya know!}. 

The kids wake up at 6:30 and it's on to making a good hearty breakfast to jump start the day. Charli usually requests a scrambled egg & spinach breakfast burrito & fruit, or a waffle & fruit, accompanied with a small glass of orange juice. While they are eating I make her lunch {which she always requests a "heart shaped sandwich"}

She has about 20 minutes after eating that I allow her to sit and watch a show while I get myself ready before helping her get ready for the day! Once we are dressed it is out the door we go! 

 The first day of school was a parent morning. Crew & I were able to come in the class with her and sit for a story "The Kissing Hand". It was such a special morning and it definitely made leaving her a little easier! 

After the morning announcements and the book, we kissed each others hands and gave our little girl the biggest hugs before having to say goodbye for the day! 

Since that very first day & first week she hasn't looked back {and neither have I ;)}.

She is truly thriving in school and we couldn't be more proud of everything she is doing! She has made so many new friends, has been a "super star" almost every single day on her daily behavior chart in class and loves doing her homework packets. All the things every parent wants to hear! 

We pray that she continues to soar this year and to always try her hardest at being the best Charli she can be. We are so happy that she is so happy and we hope & pray that she is always this passionate for learning! 

Keep it up baby girl! 

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